11:11 PM

Microsoft's Next New OS 2009 - Vienna or Windows 7

Vienna, the microsoft's complete OS is on its way.Vista being launched in the previous year added fame to microsoft in the negative way with its too much security features making computer to control the user were people always wanted the other way.For this they took such a long time.Windows Vista was launched 5 years after the launch of XP.Still XP seems to be the best ever OS ruling the hearts of the home users(Definetly mine..!!).
Microsoft says that they concentrated more on releasing the service packs for XP instead building the Vista in these 5 years.After the launch of vista they felt like they have missed out a lot and those will be put up as an service pack codenamed fiji and will be provided for download in their site soon.These included WinFS, native HD DVD and FireWire-B support, enhanced speech recognition and PC-to-PC sync.
Their upcoming version of windows is named Vienna or Windows 7.Its just a cousin of Vista with all its bugs fixed (and as usual with some extra problems).It is to be launched in 2009 January.Microsoft has refused to provide much details about Vienna.
Here is a little screenshot of the new windows...

Hey forgot to say,the Microsoft windows home server edition 2008 looks great.Hmmm...Miracles happen like with XP,but the server edition would be of no good use for a typical home user.Thats all for now.
Will catch up soon with the latest updates.Keep rockin..!!

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