4:26 PM

Microsoft Office 14-The Broken Secret

The Microsoft's most resilient cash cow-the Microsoft Office is about to be shipped in the current year.As it is the 14th release of office,Microsoft has code-named it office 14.This edition is about to introduce web applications into it to defend the growing zoho office or the Google docs.So users would be able to use the well known word,excel,power point,onenote in collaboration with the web-browser.
Files can be stored either locally or online with the automatic syncing done through Microsoft's live mesh technology.Microsoft techies are maintaining a total secret and taking no chances of giving out any hints on the software.
Anyway it wont go up the deck unless it is put down as opensource as the freewares like open office are getting a stronger hold on the market making apps free of cost for users.Check out for the beta release download soon.I would make the update once I get to know on the release or make a note in the comment column.
Try out the web based Microsoft office - Office Live Workspace

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3:03 PM

Microsoft in 2009?

Its the time of the year that every industry would have set up its goals for the current year and would be having a set of targets to be completed within the year.
Lets peek into what Microsoft is about to do-
This would be the year of the Microsoft's next new OS ,windows 7,is about to be released so everyone be ready with their testing hands to have a check on it and as usual revert back to XP until everything gets fine with the service packs and supports.
There is a possibility of the release of windows 7 server aka windows 2008 server R2 on the same day and hope everyone knows the off market pirated versions for both windows 7 and its server versions are out much before the testers had it in their hands and its been a month since.
This is also the year of office 14 release and the visual studio 2010.I wonder why they always have the releases on the previous year of the one quoted in the software.
it is going to rebrand its live search as 'KUMO' and might also patch up with yahoo.And there would be some blah blah in the mobile market too.Share your views-comment.

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4:17 PM

Uninstalling Linux from dual boot

Linux uses neither NTFS nor Fat kinda partitions for its place in the hard disk so the space occupied by linux remains untouched by the windows.To uninstall Linux from a harddisk that also holds windows xp or any other OS from windows,follow these simple steps.
If you have windows XP installed:
-Get into your Windows XP installation.
-Open the run command box and type "Diskmgmt.msc" and press enter or right click MyComputer click on manage and choose disk management.
-Right click the Linux partition (or sometime it says as unused or kinda different partition) and delete it.
-Now restart the system with a win XP bootable CD and get into recovery console by pressing 'R'.
-Choose your current Win XP(usually by pressing 1) and type 'FIXMBR'.This would fix the master boot record.
-Now you can restart and your OS will be fine.Go to Disk Management again and partition the unused space.

If your installed windows is corrupt:

Still you can get into the recovery console and use the fix mbr tool.Now you can get the unused partition in the list of partition while re-installing windows.

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1:12 PM

Nokia Developer Conference 2009 - India

Nokia is organizing a forum, Nokia developer Conference 2009 to inspire and fuel the dreams of young minds,the developers to create killer mobile applications with their support and collaboration.
Eminent industry speakers would join up the forum to share their views on the current state and the future of value added services and the impact of 3D on mobile apps with infinite possibilities the future of mobile technology would create.The discussions would be on the various mobile technologies used by the developers(Symbian,java,Open Source and others),smart phone technologies,presentations on how emerging countries of the world are embracing mobile technology to bring about a mobile revolution and the likely evolution of mobile applications.
Your chance to learn directly from the successful innovators and the industry leaders.
Venue:Trinity, Taj Residency, Bangalore.
Time:20th January, 2009.
For more details log on to-
Mobile application developers http://www.nokiadevcon.in
Bangalore Conference http://www.nokiadevcon.in/session.html

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